Photo by Keith Skelton
Drawing inspiration from the likes of The Beatles to Radiohead and much more, springing like a phoenix[see: mythical creature(not band)] from the ashes of their former selves (i.e. Siamese Guns), Torches in Trees is a band whose sound is as versatile as elastic is, well...elastic. Not only is this true of their sound, but each member as well. While the band's setup may consist of the basic elements of a rock band (vocals, two guitars, bass, drums and a keyboard), in no way does any one member serve one primary function in the band(well, other than Eric, but then again, not everyone in the band can be a superb drummer/percussionist, either of those titles being somewhat redundant with the other present). Each member plays different instruments pretty much every other song. Azad sings lead vocals and plays guitar, but will go guitar-less to lend his hand to play some percussion. Taylor will switch from guitar to bass to percussion. Bridgette (wo)mans the keys, but will jump on guitar, bass, percussion, backing vocals and even takes the lead in some songs. Julian plays bass, but at times will jump to guitar and even plays some glock[enspiel]. The quintet of talented multi-instrumentalists manages to produce sounds that blend together to create what can be described as the musical equivalent of a drug injected directly to your brain as sound waves through those aural receptors we call ears.
So far, this musical "drug" comes in the form of a six-track EP entitled New Blood, New Sight, which once you have begun (and keeping with the drug metaphor) you are sent on a trip you cannot stop until you have been released at the end of the disc. It grabs you and pulls you in from the very beginning with a very crisp drum intro, joined shortly thereafter by guitar that travels in ambiguous directions, that leads into the first track, "Satchel". A fast-paced track, "Satchel" begins you on your trip and does not let go of you until the EP's closer "Bloody Hands". As your make your way through this journey, you will encounter various visions in the forms of songs. From "Satchel", you are taken to the melodic, dream-like "Pillars Fall", which then turns somewhat nightmarish (i.e. fast, lots of effects, reversed delay, reverb, absolutely wonderful, etc.) with "Good Samaritan". The mellow "Thunderstorms Have Stayed" follows and is another superb track, and the point in your trip where you are actually sitting in on a rock in the rain amidst a bunch of trees. "New Life" (the track which houses the EPs namesake in its lyrics) is another melodic episode that has (in my interpretation) our subject searching for himself, beginning to see things differently, in a new light, finally finding himself and commencing his "New Life". (See what I did there?) The disc ends with "Bloody Hands", a song that punches you in the face from the get-go, watches you bleed on the ground as it wipes the blood off of its hands [am I good at this, or what?(see: sarcasm)], picks you up, has you dance with it and then apologies you and fuses its life force with you.
Having realized I just concept-ed their EP, I tell you, whatever you do, do not take my word for any interpretations. In fact, just check Torches in Trees out, buy the EP and listen for yourself. Also, if you happen to live in the Los Angeles area, check them out at one of their shows (and also buy the EP at that show). If the EP doesn't speak for itself(which it does), their live show does(as well, even better in fact). The band has played at many LA venues such as The Troubadour, The Smell, The Cocaine, L'Keg, are adding Silverlake Lounge to the list this coming Wednesday and even more! Their live show has intensity, energy, passion, musicianship, quality; everything about their live show is great. Live videos of their set at The Smell on June 6th, 2009 can be found on YouTube(linked below).
To sum it all up, Torches in Trees is a quintet of extremely talented young adults (all of whom are under 21) who create a melodic soundscape of layered guitars with effects-a-plenty, keyboard lines that fit into the songs like the perfect puzzle piece, a bass that not only holds the foundation but paints it wonderful colors, drums that seem to sing with the music, amongst other instrumental treats here and there, all topped off with the sincere vocals of Azad Cheikosman and the beautiful harmonies and backings provided by Bridgette Moody. Torches in Trees is definitely a band to watch as they expand their horizons and surely, even if slowly, march up the musical ladder.
In response to the first five words that are heard on the EP, "What will become of this...?" The way I see it, whatever Torches in Trees want it to.
- Erick Barrientos
Here is a video for "Satchel" that is a montage comprised of live footage and was filmed and directed by my friend Marcus Clayton(who also edited it) and myself.
I have conveniently set up their set at The Smell on June 6th, 2009 in a playlist for your viewing pleasure: 06/06/09 Torches in Trees, Live @ The Smell
Here's the info for their next few shows:
| Silverlake Lounge! (21+) | Los Angeles, California | ||
| Tribal Cafe | Echo Park, California | ||
| isgoodmusic.com presents @ Mr. T’s Bowl | Highland Park, California | ||
| L’Keg w/ Bastidas, Collisions and more (all ages!) | Echo Park, California | ||
| Juanita’s w/ Seasons (21+)! | Highland Park, California |
For tunes, show dates and more info, check them out and follow them on these various social networks:
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