Monday, June 29, 2009


Hello everyone!
Thanks to anyone and everyone who listened to the show this past Saturday and in case you missed it, here's the podcast!!! (click the link or right-click and "Save Link As..." to download)

As always, here's the playlist.

  1. Blonde Redhead - In Particular
  2. Broken Spindles - Move Away
  3. Rilo Kiley - Accidntel Deth
  4. Albert Hammond, Jr. - Spooky Couch
  5. Bat For Lashes - Trophy
  6. Massive Attack - Tear Drop
  7. Bloc Party - Hunting for Witches
  8. Late of the Pier - Mad Dogs and Englishmen
  9. The Mars Volta - Cotopaxi
  10. Michael Jackson - Bad
  11. Radiohead - The National Anthem
  12. Broken Social Scene - Canada Vs. America
  13. Passion Pit - Folds In Your Hands
  14. Torches in Trees - Pillars Fall
  15. Cursive - Art Is Hard
  16. Anthony Green - The First Day of Work at the Microscope Store
  17. Bright Eyes - Nothing Gets Crossed Out
  18. We Are Scientists - Textbook
  19. Kinky - Una Linea de Luz
  20. Regina Spektor - Two Birds
  21. Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Epic Last Song
  22. Wolf Parade - Fancy Claps
  23. Battles - Bad Trails
  24. William Shatner - Has Been
  25. mewithoutYou - O, Porcupine
Thanks to all for listening.
Until next time.


Sunday, June 14, 2009


Hello all.

Thanks to those who listened, and in case you couldn't catch the show, here's the podcast! (click the link or right-click and "Save Link As..." to download)

Here's the playlist:
  1. Radiohead - Bangers + Mash
  2. Grizzly Bear - Cheerleader
  3. Beirut - My Wife, Lost in the Wild
  4. Land of Talk - Death By Fire
  5. Cursive - Driftwood: A Fairy Tale
  6. mewithoutYou - Every Thought a Thought of You
  7. Deerhunter - Lake Somerset
  8. Torches in Trees - Good Samaritan
  9. Minus the Bear - Knights
  10. Pistolita - Metronome
  11. Mew - The Zookeeper's Boy
  12. James Figurine - All the Way to China
  13. Sondre Lerche & Regina Spektor - Hell No
  14. Animal Collective - Unsolved Mysteries
  15. Manchester Orchestra - Where Have You Been?
  16. Passion Pit - Moth's Wings
  17. Georgie James - Cake Parade
  18. Kate Nash - Skeleton Song
  19. Death Cab for Cutie - I Was a Kaleidoscope
  20. The Faint - Machine in the Ghost
  21. Dntel - Dreams
  22. Zoé - Human Space Volt
  23. Mellowdrone - Fashionably Uninvited
  24. The Sound of Animals Fighting - Another Leather Lung
  25. Broken Social Scene - Backyards
  26. The Dismemberment Plan - I Love a Magician
  27. Battles - Tonto
Again, I think I may be gone this upcoming Saturday, so see you next week.


Monday, June 1, 2009


Hey everyone!

Here's the playlist from Saturday night's show. Thanks to Marcus for joining me for this week's episode and thanks all who tuned in! And in case you missed it, here's the Podcast! (just click the link or right click and "Save Link As..." to download)

  1. Mew - The Seething Rain Weeps For You (Uda Pruda)
  2. Built to Spill - Conventional Wisdom
  3. Deerhunter - Nothing Ever Happened
  4. Q And Not U - District Night Prayer
  5. Portugal. The Man - The Devil
  6. The Album Leaf - Wherever I Go
  7. Tera Melos - Melody 7
  8. Phoenix - Girlfriend
  9. Hot Chip - Arrest Yourself
  10. Lamb - Five
  11. No Age - Semi-Sorted
  12. Les Savy Fav - Reprobate's Resumé
  13. Holy Fuck - Choppers
  14. Mahavishnu Orchestra - Noonward Race
  15. Flight of the Conchords - Foux Du Fafa
  16. Slowdive - Celia's Dream
  17. Regina Spektor - Pound of Flesh
  18. mewithoutYou - Timothy Hay
  19. Mellowdrone - Whatever the Deal
  20. Bran Van 3000 - Willard
  21. Radiohead - Jigsaw Falling Into Place
  22. Kinky - Mirando De Lado
  23. Say Hi - We Lost the Albatross
  24. Neon Blonde - Love Hounds
  25. Don Caballero - Well Built Road
  26. The Sound of Animals Fighting - Uzbekistan
Once again, thanks to everyone who tuned in.
I will not be broadcasting Saturday, June 6th, but I will be back the following week on June 13th.

Aural Life
Live from South Gate, CA
Saturdays 8pm-10pm PST (Channel A)
