Saturday, August 15, 2009

Belligerent Electronics/Short Hiatus

Hello all.

Thanks to any and all who listen to and support radio23, and subsequently Aural Life and all the other fine programming. I did not broadcast last week. I am not broadcasting today. I will not be broadcasting next week (for a slightly different reason), for technical difficulties have rendered me unable to properly do what I love to do here every week on radio23. I hope to be back by the week after next, and I believe that shall be so. The plan after this short hiatus is to start everything up again and hit it with full force. That means: more updates, more album features, the album release calendar is coming back and much more!!

So, I'm going to get everything all sorted out and what not, and I'd like to thank those who support Aural Life and radio23 once again. Very much so.
